#BewegDeinDenken (Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes, 2020)


Social Media

Social media-format for the Federal Antidiscrimination Agency’s Instagram-channel.

The center of this campaign are people who experience discrimination in everyday life. People who have an idea about moving forward as a society, with concrete proposals about what changes will have to be made politically and in the minds of each one of us. This led to a personal Instagram-campaign with powerful images by the photographer and influencer Mehran Djojan, using the hashtag #BewegDeinDenken (=move your thinking) The campaign invites one to acknowledge and cherish the single person instead of perceiving people through the looking glass of group identities such as religion, color or sexual orientation.

  • Idee

    Simon Hufeisen, Dominik Bretsch

  • Bildkonzept und Kamera

    Mehran Djojan

  • Autoren

    Isabel Röttger, Christine van den Berg, Michael Schmitt

  • Client

    Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes

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